Senin, Juni 20, 2011

20 misteri dunia yang belum terpecahkan

1. The mighty Incan Empire of South America
Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

The mighty Incan Empire of South America flourished between 1200 and 1535 AD. They developed drainage systems and canals to expand their crops, and built stone cities atop steep mountains — such as Machu Picchu (above) — without ever inventing the wheel. Despite their vast achievements, the Incan Empire with its 40,000 manned army was no match for 180 Spanish conquistadors armed with advanced weapons and smallpox.

2. Ancient Pyramids in Giza, Egypt
Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

Khafre (l.) and Khufu (r.) are two of the three ancient Pyramids in Giza, Egypt. Khufu is the biggest, consisting of more than 2 million stones with some weighing 9 tons. The Pyramids, built as elaborate tombs for divine kings, date back to 2,550 BC. Modern Egyptologists believe that the Pyramids are made from stones dragged from quarries and, despite ancient Greek testimony, were built predominantly by skilled craftsmen rather than slave labor.

3. The Mayan Temple
Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

According to the Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar, made famous by the ancient Mayan people, December 2012 marks the ending of the current baktun cycle. This little bit of information has many archeologists spooked. Some believe the Mayans were warning of a coming apocalypse, while others insist it’s simply a mathematical misconception.

4. The Legend of El Dorado
Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

The Legend of El Dorado originates from the Muisca, who lived in the modern country of Colombia from 1000 to 1538 AD. In a ritual ceremony for their goddess, the tribal chief would cover himself in gold dust and jump into a lake as an offering. This spawned the legend of a lost golden city, which led Spanish conquistadors on a wild goose chase to nowhere.

5. Easter Island
Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is remotely located 2,000 miles off the coast of Tahiti. The original settlers of the island were Polynesians who migrated to the far-off land between 400 and 600 BC. They built many shrines and statues, called moai, from stones quarried throughout the island including a volcano site. Researchers still question exactly how the large stones were moved.

6. The Bermuda Triangle
Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

The Bermuda Triangle — located in the Atlantic between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico — is a thief, stealing planes and boats right out of existence. The area got its name after Sgt. Howell Thompson (l.), along with 27 Navy airmen, vanished from the devilish spot during a routine flight in 1945. Rumors persist on a supernatural explanation, but many specialists blame hurricanes, a heavy Gulf Stream and human error.

7. The Nazca Lines
Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

The Nazca Lines cover more than 190 square miles in the southern deserts of Peru. The mysterious shapes etched into the land rival football fields and predate the Incan Empire. The ‘Las Manos’ figure (above) is 2,000 years old. Little is know about why the Nazca people constructed such vast pieces of sand art, some believe they are extraterrestrial in nature, while others claim they may have carried and pointed to sources of water.

8. Aliens

Area 51, located on Groom Lake in southern Nevada (c.), was founded in 1955 by the U.S. Air Force to develop and test new aircrafts – such as the U-2 Spy Plane, A-12 Blackbird and F-117 Stealth Fighter. The secretive nature of the military base, combined with its classified aircraft research, helped conspiracy theorists imagine an installation filled with time-travel experimentation, UFO coverups and alien autopsies.

Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries
9. Sphinx of Giza, Egypt

Another Egyptian wonder, the Sphinx of Giza has the body of a lion and the head of a Pharaoh, believed by most to be that of king Khafre. It was carved from soft limestone, and has been slowly falling apart over the years. A popular theory of the missing nose claims Napoleon’s soldiers shot it off with a cannon in 1798, but early sketches discovered of the Sphinx without a nose predate Napoleon’s rampage.

Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

10. The Loch Ness Monster

According to Scottish folklore, a mystical creature called a water horse lures small children to a watery grave by tricking them to ride on its sticky back. The Loch Ness Monster became an English wonder in 1933, after witness accounts made newspaper headlines. No hard evidence of the creature has ever been recorded with several pictures, including the one above, being proven as hoaxes.

Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

11. The Fountain of Youth

Don Juan Ponce de Leon completed Spain’s claim on America in 1509, and soon after was made governor of Puerto Rico. Six years later, following Indian rumors, he traveled north to the island of Bimini in search of the Fountain of Youth. Bimini turned out to be the peninsula of Florida, and the fountain remained hidden until July 2006, when famed magician David Copperfield claimed the waters on his $50 million Exumas Island (c.) had healing properties.

Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

12. Chupacabra

Phylis Canion holds the head of what she is calling a Chupacabra at her home in Cuero, Tex. The strange-looking animal, first reported in Puerto Rico in 1995, apparently has a taste for chicken and goat blood. Although many pictures like the above might prove its existence, biologists assure none such creature exists.

Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

13. The Ark of the Covenant

The Ark of the Covenant is described in the Bible as a wooden casket, gold plated, made for carrying the tablets of the Ten Commandments. The casket was carried throughout the desert and remained in the Israelite Temple until its destruction by the hand of the Babylonian Empire. Its whereabouts are still unknown, but Hollywood made its own version for ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark.’

Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

14. The Stonehenge

The Stonehenge landscape of Salisbury Plain, England, has become a tourist hotspot. But before foreigners with windbreakers and cameras showed up, the area may have been a burial ground and ceremonial den dating back 5,000 years.

Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

15. The Iron Pillar of Delhi

The Iron Pillar of Delhi is a 1,600-year-old, 22 feet high pillar located in the Qutb complex in India. The pillar, made from 98% wrought iron, has been astounding scientists by its ability to resist corrosion after all these years.

Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

16. Stone Spheres in Costa Rica

Discovered in the early 1940s in Costa Rica during excavations by the United Fruit Company, these perfectly formed stone spheres date from 600 AD to the 16th century. Their makers and purpose still unconfirmed, many believe them to be some religious effigy made to worship the sun.

Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

17. Mothman

A humanoid with insect wings and crimson eyes, known as the Mothman, terrorized Point Pleasant, W.Va., during the late 1960s. No solid evidence exists of the creature, except for a handful of witness reports documented in paranormal-journalist John A Keel’s ‘Mothman Prophecies’.

Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

18. Jersey Devil

According to legend, 250 years ago a Jersey woman by the name of Mrs. Leeds cried out in despair during her 13th pregnancy, ‘Let it be the Devil!’ After childbirth, the baby was revealed to be a kangaroo-like creature with wings, and flew away to cause all sorts of Jersey Devil mischief. Today the Jersey Devil can be seen getting fans riled up during local hockey games.

Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

19. The Tunguska Explosion of Russia

The Tunguska Explosion in Russia occurred around 7:14 a.m. on June 30, 1908. To this date, the exact cause of the explosion – which leveled 80 million trees over 830 square miles – remains a heated debate. Most believe it to be caused by a meteoroid fragment, others insist either a black hole or UFO origin.

Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

20. The Lost City of Atlantis

The Lost City of Atlantis was introduced to the West 2,400 years ago by Plato, who claimed it to be the island home of an advanced society. Legend says it was sunk by an earthquake, with later interpretations as an underwater kingdom protected by mermaids. Its whereabouts still a mystery, recent underwater evidence suggests it was once apart of a larger landmass in Cyprus off the Mediterranean (c.), but the only true Atlantis exists in the Bahamas as a grand casino and resort hotel.

Worlds Top 20 Unsolved Mysteries

Rabu, Juni 15, 2011

Jika di dunia ini hanya ada 100 penduduk

Have you ever thought about the world around you, how diverse and gigantic the population is? These stunning statistics will put things into perspective, or make you want to join the Peace Corp. Consider that only seven people would have computers out of 100, which means that there is still one heck of an opportunity to sell computers in the world.If The World Was A Village of 100 PeopleIf The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People
If The World Was A Village of 100 People

Senin, Juni 06, 2011

Pondok cikunir indah dimana ya?….

Saya merupakan warga baru di perumahan, mungkin sekitar 4 tahun  baru tinggal di perumahan yang bernama “Pondok Cikunir Indah” yang teretak di wilayah kelurahan Jatibening, kecamatan Pondok Gede, Kota Bekasi, namun beberapa teman saya tidak tahu perumahan saya padahal hampir tiap hari mereka melewati perumahan saya. Hal ini karena perumahan saya tidak punya plang nama atau papan nama sebagai identitas perumahan layaknya perumahan lain yang ada disekitarnya. Ternyata hal ini telah menjadi PR besar dan sudah lama direncanakan oleh pengurus RW tetapi dengan berbagai kendala hal tersebut selalu tidak terlaksana, maka tibalah pada kepengurusan RW yang baru dibawah pimpinan bapak Rubi Iskandar merencanakan proyek ini pada prioritas utama karena ternyata hampir 25 tahun plang nama ini tidak ada sedangkan plang nama yang telah dibuat oleh pengembang perumahan telah hancur dan keropos dimakan usia dan sudah tidak ada lagi.

Kepengurusan RW yang baru merencanakan plang nama ini dimulai dengan rapat koordinasi pengurus mulai dari konsep, perhitungan sampai pada pengerjaan proyek demi terciptanya identitas perumahan kami dengan konsep yang artistik, minimalis, futuristik serta memberikan diferensiasi dibandingkan dengan perumahan lain.

Berawal dari konsep sederhana untuk membuat plang nama seadanya dan diangkat pada rapat bulanan RW ternyata menghasilkan masukan dan saran serta sebuah ide sangat brilliant yang secara istilah seperti gayung bersambut karena kami menganggap bahwa ini merupakan beban bersama yang diamanahkan warga kepada kepengurusan RW yang baru.


konsep modern di perumahan yang sederhana ini diharapkan bisa meningkatkan prestige yang membuat warga bangga akan perumahannya.


merencanakan dan menghitung bugdet yang transparan adalah modal utama kami sebagai warga yang mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi contoh untuk pemerintah kami, yang selama ini sedang dilanda berbagai macam masalah tentang kejujuran.


nah disinilah plang itu akan berdiri, tepat diantara jalan utama perumahan yang membelah perumahan antara utara dan selatan.


Pengukuran dan diskusi tentang teknis pemasangan senantiasa sering kami lakukan agar semua bisa berjalan baik dan lancar


Diantara kesibukan yang lain, bapak edi ini sangat concern terhadap teknis pembangunan plang ini, sehinga banyak diskusi yang beliau lakukan.


Mantan ketua RT 010 (Kiri) sedang memaparkan beberapa rencana dan konsep plang nama yang akan dibangun kepada sesepuh warga RW 012 bapak ustadz Nurzabidi (kanan)


pak edi pun tak lelah untuk berdiskusi dengan mantan pegawai developer pengembang perumahan kami.


disela-sela ksibukan pak edi berdiskusi, bapak ketua RW012 asyik berfoto ria dengan artis RT010 bapak Novian Syarkawi.


dan akhinya pak edi pun berbicara dari hasil diskusi bersama beberapa warga, melihat sangat konsennya beliau maka bapak ketua RW memandatkan jabatan mandor untuk pelaksanaan proyek ini. mudah2an berjalan lancar… amiin.


berbagai situasi yang sangat kompleks pun kami hadapi dengan bermusyawarah untuk mufakat, agar senantiasa nilai nilai pancasilaselalu berada dalam diri kami.


Ketua RW 012 Rubi Iskandar, memberikan sambutan pada proyek plang nama perumahan kami.


Doa yang dipanjatkan oleh bapak Ustadz Nurzabidi ini senantiasa kami panjatkan agar usaha kami mendapatkan ridho Allah SWT.


dan tibalah kami melakukan pencangkulan pertama pada proyek ini.


akhirnya kami berharap agar semua warga perumahan pondok cikunir indah dapat berpartisipasi dalam proyek ini, kami mohon doa dan restunya serta bantuan secara moril dan materil selalu kami harapkan agar PR selama ini bisa berjalan dengan lancar dan dapat diresmikan pada acara Gathering Warga yang bertajuk Cikunir Ceria 2011 pada tanggal 19 juni 2011 yang detail acaranya akan dipaparkan pada posting selanjutnya.

semoga bermanfaat….
